Saturday, January 15, 2011

March Calendar 2011

Hi there ! This is my third project which is the calendar for the month of March 2011 =)

I've choose this image as my subject : 

These are my steps of making this calendar :

 1 . Create a new project .

2 . As usual Choose the gradient tool to make the background .


3 . Place the image from your drive .

4 . Then your image has been placed .

5 . Write the year . Choose the suitable colour based on the calendar .

6 . Write the month . Use the same colour .

7 . Write the day and date correctly and nicely above the month .

8 . Pick the brush tool , and choose from various style of brush .

9 . There you are . Your work is done ! =)

10 . Don't forget to saveyour work .

:: By Sharedzuan Samsudeen 1102702495 ::  =)

February Calendar 2011

Hi , this is my February calendar for the year 2011 =)

First of all , I've choose this image as the object of my calendar : 

These are the following steps in making this calendar :  

1 . Create new project with the a4 size paper .

2 . Select the Gradient Tool to make the background .

3 . Click File then click 'Place...' and select image from your drive .

4 . Now the image has been placed .

5 . After that , use the rounded rectangle tool to make a square beside the image .

6 . Then , use the horizontal text tool to write the year .

7 . Write the year '2011' and place it .

8 .  Now , choose the brush tool to decorate your calendar .

9 . Then , write the month of February on the top of the calendar .

10 . Start writing the days and the date .

11 . After finish write down the days and date , choose a brush style depend on users define .

12 . Start decorate the background of the calendar . 
Done ! =)

13 . You've done your work ! Save the project . 
::By Abang-Z =)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This is my work ( Hendy Chandrawan ID 1081108513 )
in group 24 just two of members do it this calender's assigment, because some of them Drop out and some of them never come to the this class during last 6 weeks including the leader of team, miss neo told us (me Hendry Chandrawan and Sharedzuan Samsudeen, my groupmate )  to do it although just have two members of groups...., this is my report from Group 24

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January Calendar 2011

Hello,this is my calender for the month of January 2011.

First of all i choose this image according to our group's theme :

These are the following steps of my progress for making this calendar :

1 . After create a new project in Adobe Photoshop i choose this colour (black) as the background colour .

2 . Then i used gradient tool to make the background .

3 . Create a new layer for the image and i named it ''layer 1'' .

4 . After creating the new layer , open "File" then click "Place..." , then choose the image that will be use inside the computer .

5 . Now , place the image correctly .

6 . Create layer for inserting text . I named it "2011" .

7 . Then , i choose Horizontal Text Tool at the Text Tool button .

8 . Type "2011" use the "Blackoak std" size 85 pt .

9 . Rotate the text and place it nicely next to the image .

10 . Done placing the year , now i want to create the month . I choose "Lucidia Console" as the text style and size of 36 pt .

11 . Then write each day under the "January" .

12 . After that i choose Ellipse Tool inside the Shape Tool .

13 . Make a circle under day .

14 . Then keep copying the circle and place it nicely under each days untill 31 as the month of January that contain 31 days .

15 . Done , now just rearrange little bit to fix its placement .

16 . Write the date in each of the circles . 

17 . Done making the date .

18 . Then , go to the previous layer (2011) for a little bit editing there .

19 . Select Rectangle Tool inside the Shape Tool .

20 . Choose the suitable colour .

21 . Make the rectangle shape behind the year . Then you're done !

22 . Finally , don't forget to save your work into specific file .

:: Abang-Z  =)